İstanbul, Türkiye
* Teacher of English for 30 years. * Lecturer at Istanbul Aydın University-English Preparatory School * Teaching TPRS & WRITING

21 Ekim 2011 Cuma


                                                                                                                                                                               HODO'S FRIEND                                                                      
Hodo is a film star. He is a chimpanzee.
Hodo has a small red car. Hodo likes sports cars. He drives fast.
One day Hodo goes to Trabzon. He has a friend in his car.
Hodo drives very fast through the mountains.
A police officer sees the small red car. The police officer follows the car.
The red car goes around a curve. Then it goes around another curve. It goes very fast.
It is over the speed limit. It is too fast for the curves.
The police officer turns on his siren and his red light.
The red car pulls over to the side of the road and it stops.
The police officer walks to the car. He says : " License, please."
Hodo shows the police  officer his license.
The police officer looks at Hodo and his friend.He smiles. " Well! Have a nice day, sir," he says.
He is very excited. Hodo's friend says: "Hello!" Then she gets out of the car. She walks to the police officer.
The police officer is surprised. She kisses the police officer.
The police officer doesn't give Hodo a ticket.
Why not?
Because Hodo's friend is Beyonce.

pŽ  pŽ  pŽ  pŽ  pŽ
has: var                                  pull over :çeker
red: kırmızı                               to the side of the road: yolun kenarına
small : küçük  X big : büyük                 licence: ehliyet
likes : sever / hoşlanır               "Have a nice day!" : İyi günler
drives: araba kullanır.               "Sir" : efendim
fast : hızlı    X slowly  : yavaş    excited: heyecanlı
through : arasından                               gets out of the car: arabadan çıkar
mountains: dağlar                     surprised: şaşkın, şaşırmış
sees : görür                              doesn't give a ticket: makbuz vermez (ceza kesmez)
follows : takip eder / izler                     because: çünkü
curve : viraj , dönemeç
go around a curve: viraj dönme            ( around : etrafında)          
over : üzerinde
speed limit: hız limiti
too: gereğinden fazla
turn on: açmak  X turn off : kapamak
siren: siren
light: ışık



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