İstanbul, Türkiye
* Teacher of English for 30 years. * Lecturer at Istanbul Aydın University-English Preparatory School * Teaching TPRS & WRITING

27 Ekim 2011 Perşembe


Fatih Urek travels in the world.One day he goes to Jamaika.Fatih Urek walks into a bazaar .It is a big bazaar but it isn't good.Because most expensive materials are 1$.He stops at a counter than he asks;
'' Do you have a snake'' ?
The salesman says;
Yes we have but that is a toy snake.Fatih is worried because he wants a real snake but he decides to buy the toy snake.Fatih Urek asks; ''how much is it''? 
The salesman says ;'' 50 cents''
Fatih ürek says ; '' I have 25 cents'' what can I do?
Salesman says; Can you sing a song ?
Fatih ürek says; Yes and he starts to sing:
'' hadi lililili.... yarrrr....''
Fatih ürek takes the snake and returns to Turkey with a snake.

The end.
Şahin Güzünke & Yusuf Can Uzunarslan & Yiğit Yaşaroğlu ( class= 220)

26 Ekim 2011 Çarşamba


Ajdar is a singer.He is very famous.He has just two songs.'Çikita muz and nane'.One day he goes to Kuruçeşme because he is too bored.He wants to have fun but he drives too fast and suddenly hits a man.
A police officer comes to Ajdar.The police officer says'Give me your license'but Ajdar dosen't have a license.Then police officer shouts and gives Ajdar a ticket.Ajdar is too sad and shocked.Ajdar
calls his girl friend.
Ajdar'I cant come.I'm sorry'
Şukufe'Ok.We are leaving now.'
Ajdar'Please, I dont want to leave.'
Ajdar is always too sad:)

By Hande Deniz & Gülsen Erbil ( Class 219)

21 Ekim 2011 Cuma


Adriana Lima comes to Turkey.  It is New Year’s Eve. It is 31st December. Adriana is a guest in Acun’s house. Ilıcalı family is eating a special meal: chicken soup,  turkey, and  rice pudding.

Adriana likes turkey. She takes  a big bite of turkey. She begins to cough.
She coughs and coughs. She can’t stop coughing. Perhaps the wishbone is stuck in her throat.
Adriana’s face is red. She can’t breathe.  Acun’s Grandfather runs to the telephone and calls an ambulance. But the ambulance will arrive in ten minutes or fifteen minutes. It will be too late.
Hülya Avşar gets the vacuum cleaner. She turns the vacuum cleaner on. She turns the power to “high”.She puts the vacuum cleaner hose into Adriana’s throat.
A frog comes out. Now Adriana can breathe but nobody is looking at Adriana.                          Everybody is looking at the frog. It is jumping. “Oh God!” It is talking.
It says: “ Adriana, kiss me. Kiss me . I am a prince. If you kiss me, I will be a man.”



Nihat Doğan is a professor. He works at Harran University.He gives lectures on economy.  He goes to work by car. He drives to work. He has a Volkswagen car.

One day he leaves work and goes to the car park. He gets into his car and drives home.
He drives fast.

He is in the city centre now. Suddenly he sees a big brown bear in the middle of the road. He  puts his right foot on the brake. He tries to stop the car. He puts his hands on the steering wheel, too. Unfortunately he can’t stop the car. The car hits the bear.

Now the bear is on the road. Nihat  gets out of the car and runs to the bear. Nihat  leans forward. He asks: “Are you OK?” The bear doesn’t answer. Nihat  pulls on the bear but the bear is too big. People come and help Nihat . They try to pull the bear to the right side of the street but they can’t move the bear. It is not dead. The bear opens his eyes and says: “Call the police please. He drives too fast.”

An ambulance arrives and takes the bear to animal hospital. The police comes and takes Nihat  to the police station. Nihat  cries and calls his lawyer.

P   h  p         P   h  p     P   h  p



                 MR. TURKEY

Every year there are a lot of beauty contests in Turkey. The most beautiful woman is the winner. She is “Miss Turkey”.

    Now, there is another beauty contest in Turkey. It is for men only. The most handsome man is the winner. He is “Mr. Turkey ” 

 Kuzey is 20 years old . He is a model. He is very handsome. He wants to be Mr. Turkey, so he is working hard nowadays. He is lifting weights and he is running. He wants to be fit so he is eating a special diet.  He is eating only fruit, vegetables and chicken. He is not eating bread, ice cream, or candy. He wants to look good for the contest.
          Why does Kuzey want to be Mr. Turkey ? “ If I am Mr. Turkey, I will get a lot of modeling work.”
             Some men don’t like the Mr. Turkey contest.  Why? They say “ Beauty contests are for women, they are not for men.”
            But many women like the Mr. Turkey contest . They say “ We like to look at the handsome men . Some women say “ The men in Turkey are the most handsome men in the world”
beauty contest: güzellik yarışması     contest : yarışma
every year: her yıl
woman : kadın / women : kadınlar ------man :erkek / men : erkekler
the most: en………. the most beautiful : en güzel  ……. The most handsome:   en bi yakışıklı
winner : kazanan kişi
Miss turkey: türkiye güzeli
another : başka bir
only : sadece
handsome: yakışıklı
he wants to be……>>> olmak ister
nowadays: bugünlerde                                                  so: bu yüzden
he is working hard>>>> çok çalışıyor
…… lifting weights : ağırlık kaldırıyor
……. running : koşuyor
…….. eating  : yiyor   /    …….. he is not eating : yemiyor
a special diet :   özel bir yemek
fruit : meyva              bread : ekmek              ice cream : dondurma             candy : şekerleme
vegetables: sebze
chicken: gıt gıt gıdak
look good : iyi görünmek
a lot of : çok
modeling work : mankenlik işi
If I am Mr. Turkey, I will get a lot of modeling work.(   Eğer Mr Turkey olursam, çok modellik işi kaparım.)                         

We like to look at handsome men >>>> yakışıklılara bakmayı severiz.


                                                                                                                                                                               HODO'S FRIEND                                                                      
Hodo is a film star. He is a chimpanzee.
Hodo has a small red car. Hodo likes sports cars. He drives fast.
One day Hodo goes to Trabzon. He has a friend in his car.
Hodo drives very fast through the mountains.
A police officer sees the small red car. The police officer follows the car.
The red car goes around a curve. Then it goes around another curve. It goes very fast.
It is over the speed limit. It is too fast for the curves.
The police officer turns on his siren and his red light.
The red car pulls over to the side of the road and it stops.
The police officer walks to the car. He says : " License, please."
Hodo shows the police  officer his license.
The police officer looks at Hodo and his friend.He smiles. " Well! Have a nice day, sir," he says.
He is very excited. Hodo's friend says: "Hello!" Then she gets out of the car. She walks to the police officer.
The police officer is surprised. She kisses the police officer.
The police officer doesn't give Hodo a ticket.
Why not?
Because Hodo's friend is Beyonce.

pŽ  pŽ  pŽ  pŽ  pŽ
has: var                                  pull over :çeker
red: kırmızı                               to the side of the road: yolun kenarına
small : küçük  X big : büyük                 licence: ehliyet
likes : sever / hoşlanır               "Have a nice day!" : İyi günler
drives: araba kullanır.               "Sir" : efendim
fast : hızlı    X slowly  : yavaş    excited: heyecanlı
through : arasından                               gets out of the car: arabadan çıkar
mountains: dağlar                     surprised: şaşkın, şaşırmış
sees : görür                              doesn't give a ticket: makbuz vermez (ceza kesmez)
follows : takip eder / izler                     because: çünkü
curve : viraj , dönemeç
go around a curve: viraj dönme            ( around : etrafında)          
over : üzerinde
speed limit: hız limiti
too: gereğinden fazla
turn on: açmak  X turn off : kapamak
siren: siren
light: ışık





Mahzun Kırmızıgül goes to China.
Mahzun walks into a store.

İt is a good store.
It is a big store but it has only one cash register and one cashier.

Mahzun has a $10  bill in his hand. He asks the cashier: "Do you have Panço chips?"
The cashier says : "Yes."
Mahzun puts the money on the counter. Mahzun says: "Give me a bag."

A man goes into the store. He shows the cashier a gun. The man says: "Give me all the money!"
"but...." the cashier says. The cashier is scared.

Mahzun hits the man. The man runs out.

The cashier is relaxed. She kisses Mahzun.

Then her boyfriend comes. He hits Mahzun.

Now Mahzun comes back to Turkey but he has a black eye.


goes >  gider                                                               into> içeri   X out > dışarı
walks > yürür                          but > ama                    big > büyük  X small > küçük
has  > var                                and > ve                      cash register > kasa
asks  > sorar                           or  > veya                    cashier > kasiyer
says  > der, söyler                                                       one >1            ten > 10
puts  > koyar                                                              hand > el     /    in his hand > elinde
gives  > verir                                                              
counter > tezgah   / on the counter > tezgahın üzerine
Give me all the money!  > Tüm parayı bana ver                       bill > banknot              
money > para
shows  > gösterir                                                        gun > silah                  
all: hepsi
hits  > vurur, döver                                                      scared > korkmuş
runs > koşar                                                               relaxed > rahatlamış
kisses  > öper                                                             then > sonra
comes  > gelir
he has a black eye >  Gözü morarır.

What? >  Ne ?
Who ? > Kim ?
Where ? > Nerede ? / Nereye ?
How?> Nasıl ?